TeamSpeak FAQ

Here we will go over the basic needs for your TeamSpeak Server.

Q: How do I change my TeamSpeak server name?

A: To change your TeamSpeak server name you will first need to sign in to your Cyber Server Hosting control panel account. From there when you click on your TeamSpeak server you will need to click on "TeamSpeak Browser". Navigate to your settings and you will see a text box to edit your Server Name. Save once you've entered your desired name and you're all set!

Q: How do I add a group icon?

A: When connected to your TeamSpeak server and set as an admin you will click the Permissions tab near the top. Open your server groups and select the one you are editing. Filter for "icon" and double-click on the Value of the "Icon ID". A new box will pop up and you can choose which icon you want to use. If you wish to use a custom icon you can do so by clicking "Upload"; locate your custom 16px x 16px image ( png, gif, jpg ) and click "Open". 

Q: How do I add a password to my channels?

A: If you have permission to edit channels (such as server admin) you can right-click on a channel and select "edit channel". You will see a text box to add a password to the selected channel.

Q: How do I add spacers (Channels)?

A: Scroll to the top of your TeamSpeak channels and right-click on your server's name. From there simply click on "Create Spacer" and add your desired text after the provided text that is in the box.

Q: How do I change the default groups?

A: Navigate to your permissions tab at the top and click on "Server Groups". Near the bottom left you still see a "+" symbol which will allow you to add new groups. Apply the desired settings and name and you're all set.

Q: What is my TeamSpeak's server query port?

A: The TeamSpeak query port is 10011.

Q: How do I view most of the TeamSpeak permissions?

A: First you will go to settings in the "Tools" tab at the top. Click on the options tab; once you are in your options dialogue on the left-hand side you will see tabs. The very top one says "Application". In the Misc section, you will see the "Advanced permissions system" and you will need to check this box. Press the apply button in the bottom right and then "Ok" to close the options window. When editing or viewing permissions you should now see EVERY setting available. Keep in mind that any global or host permissions that we have disabled will be greyed out; this would apply to every customer and cannot be changed. Every other permission and setting that is in relation to your server is enabled. The exploitation of any setting will result in immediate termination.

Q: How do I get my privilege token?

A: You can create as many privilege tokens for your TeamSpeak Server right from the control panel on your Cyber Server Hosting account. Once you're viewing your server's browser; click on "Tokens" and then on the above tab you will see "New Token". Clicking that option will bring up a few options as to what the token will grant access to. Click save and the token will be generated. To apply the token, you will first need to copy the full string of text provided in your control panel, for example, "Q6RM5U+cVx5miRnBL1RXcs9JLlKQdKZfXn50+r9g". Now when connected to your TeamSpeak server, click on the "Permissions" tab, and near the bottom of the list you will see "Use Privilege Key". Paste in your token and then click "ok". Your server group should now change to the appropriate group the token was made for.

Q: How do I make an AFK or Silent channel in TeamSpeak?

A: When creating a new channel, you will need to set the "Needed talk power" to a high value such as 1000 or any value above the talk power of your highest user. By default, the Server Admins have 75 talk power; so, you can set the "Needed talk power" to 74 so that no one other than the Server Admins may speak in that channel.

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